
​We are excited about what God is doing for us and through us. We humbly submit to the will of

God as he prepares us for a greater work. We ask for your help by making a donation to help us

accomplish this Vision.  Your donation will be used for the expansion project.  Your donation is tax

deductible and an email confirmation will be sent to you.

We thank you for your support and ask that you continue to pray for us as we do the will of God.

Phase 3 - Operate 

Serve as our primary worship venue. The completed new facility will allow the ministry to develop and implement programs that will benefit the community. Programs such as computer training, literacy training, before and after care along with traditional daycare will provide much needed support for the community. Additionally, the ministry will provide year round and seasonal programs. For instance, tax preparation service will be provided during tax season. An example of a year round program is the creation of healthy lifestyle programs such as but not limited to nutritional education and workout routines.





Habakkuk 2:2, "...write the vision and make it plain upon tables...

Christian Fellowship Community Church was called into existence with a mission; to Advance the Kingdom and to Empower People. In order to accomplish the assignment, God gave Christian Fellowship a detailed vision and divine direction.

To the right is the artistic rendition of Christian Fellowship Community Church.

Habakkuk 2:3, "for the vision is yet for an appointed time..."

Expansion Project

Christian Fellowship

Community Church

Phase 1 - Acquire

Acquire all vacant lots connected, adjacent and in the near vicinity of the church. (Completed)
Phase 2 - Build

Part A is to rehab the current structure (4306 Fairmount Avenue).

​​Part B is to expand the current structure into a state-of-the-art facility.